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“Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion and Climate Crisis”

“Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion and Climate Crisis”

“Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion and Climate Crisis”

From November 13 to November 17, 2023, the FSRD ITB Design Center was abuzz with the vibrant and enlightening series of events titled "Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion, and Climate Crisis." This engaging series aimed to shed light on the intersection of disability, social inclusion, and the climate crisis through a range of activities including exhibitions, interactive dialogues, public lectures, poster sessions, and evening coffee sessions focused on science, technology, art, design, and culture.

The series emphasized the pivotal role of design in fostering systemic and institutional behavioral changes within society. By showcasing innovative approaches and encouraging inclusive practices, the events sought to inspire attendees to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future.
Tujuannya yaitu untuk memberikan pencerahan sekaligus menginpirasi dalam berinovasi dalam desain, dll dimana desain mempunyai peran penting dalam perubahan perilaku yang sistemik dan melembaga di masyarakat.

The organizers expressed their gratitude to all participants and stakeholders whose contributions made the series a resounding success. Their involvement and commitment were instrumental in creating an atmosphere of collaboration and learning throughout the week-long event. As the series concluded, it left behind a sense of optimism and a renewed commitment to leveraging design and innovation for the betterment of society. The "Road to International Disability Day 2023" series at FSRD ITB served as a testament to the power of creativity and collaboration in addressing complex societal challenges.