Chair of Master Program in Visual Art
Dr. Willy Himawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Master’s Program in Visual Art FSRD ITB is a two-year program that offers an opportunity for you to develop your creative potential through research in the field of visual art and the development of innovative artistic works with values that can enrich culture. In this program, you will be guided by experienced lecturers who are also professional artists, researchers, curators, and practitioners in the field of visual art. This program will prepare you to become a professional artist who has creative ability to work and academic ability to conduct research in the field of visual art.
Master's Program in Visual Art FSRD ITB has three research areas:
- Artistic
- Art Management & Curation
- Theory and Art History

This two-year program has two main pathways, Final Project and Thesis.

Final Project Pathway
This pathway is designed for those who want to improve their professional skills through artistic practice by exploring techniques and artistic approaches to the environment as part of people's lives.

Thesis Pathway
This pathway is intended for those who want to improve the ability to develop the art sciences through scientific deepening and analytical accuracy with an interdisciplinary approach.
Students both on the project pathway and the research pathway will gain basic knowledge of design science and research methodologies in the design field. At the end of the second semester, students will propose a research proposal that is in accordance with their respective interests and expertise which is also in line with the field of study of the research group at FSRD.
Students begin to conduct a more in-depth study of the approved research proposal and present it in the form of a thesis proposal. In this second year, students are required to write the results of their research in the form of a thesis.
Course Semester
Course | Credit |
Compulsory Course | |
Compulsory Course for Artistic Pathway | |
Compulsory Course for Theory & Art History | |
Compulsory Course for Art Management & Curation | |
Course | Credit |
Compulsory Course for Artistic Pathway | |
Compulsory Course for Theory & Art History | |
Compulsory Course for Art Management & Curation | |
Elective Course | |
Course | Credit |
Compulsory Course for Artistic Pathway | |
Compulsory Course for Theory & Art History | |
Compulsory Course for Art Management & Curation | |
Course | Credit |
Compulsory Course | |
The skills acquired in this program will lead students to a career as a
- professional artist
- art teacher
- curator
- manager of artistic or institutions activities (art management)
- art journalist
- art researcher
- and others
Competence of graduates
Students who study maste Program in Visual Art FSRD ITB
are expected to be able to
- Final Project Pathway
Graduates of the Master of Fine Arts Study Program FSRD ITB with an interest in work are expected to become artists who are able to produce works of art that can make innovative artistic contributions in public spaces.
- Thesis Pathway
Graduates of the program with an interest in theory are expected to be able to conduct studies in the field of visual arts for the development of knowledge that can contribute to actual problems in the art field.
Final Project Pathway
- Seni Sebagai Ruang Rekonsiliasi Pasca Konflik Sambas 1999 oleh Suvi Wahyudianto
- Penciptaan Karya Sustainability memakai Teknik Art Nouveau oleh Rifa Annisa
- Revolusi Dari Kamar Mandi.” Penciptaan Komik Tentang Kamar Mandi oleh Gandhi Ekarizki Novariansyah
- Problematika Bahari Sebagai Karya Lukis Media Kayu oleh Rizka Alfiana Imawati
- Raut oleh Angling Sagaran
- Dekontruksi objek dengan pendekatan sloppy craft oleh Iftikhar Ahmad Rajwie
- My Journey oleh Muhammad Habibunnazar
- Eskplorasi Kebentukan Melalui Metode Sculpture Painting oleh Widi Wardani Purnama
- Penciptaan Modul Pengembangan Karakter Remaja dengan Medium Fotografi Melalui Pendekatan Fotografi Terapeutik oleh Fauzan Rafli
- Unpopular Opinion: Seni Grafis Cetak Datar oleh Adi Sundoro
- Uncertain Things with a Distant Memory” Representasi karya dengan medium found object dan mix media oleh Afida Rahmati
- Pengalaman Spiritual Sebagai Ide Penciptaan Seni oleh Chandra Maulana
- Representasi Fenomena Sosial-Budaya Masyarakat Peranakan Tionghoa Parakan, Jawa Tengah Melalui Seri Karya Drawing oleh Kenny Hartanto
- TIEKAM Penerapan Kolase pada video oleh Wahyu Sidiq Permadi
- Visualisasi Bentuk Kesadaran Kolektif sebagai Penciptaan Seni Grafis oleh Hestrini Ayu Putri Wulandari
- Instalasi Tanam Paksa di Ekosistem Pertanian oleh Mukhamad Aji Prasetyo
- Things Beyond Object oleh Aurora Arazzi
- Eternal Waiting of Refugees sebagai Ide dalam Karya Seni oleh Nesar Ahmad Sahibzada
- Merawat Kebersamaan oleh Meita Meilita
- Alter Simulacrum oleh Hilma Sophia
- Lapar Mata oleh Nuri Fatimah
- Pengamatan dan Ruang dalam Gagasan Lanskap oleh Endira Fitriasti Julianda
- Wayang sebagai Inspirasi Penciptaan Proyek Seni Patung oleh Alex Gonzalo Alemān Aguay
- Study for Francis Bacon Via Ai “Experience”; Title: “Did Francis Bacon Visit 1959 Soviet Expo?” oleh Sofiia Yurkiv
Thesis Pathway
- Tinjauan Kritis atas Pameran Seni Rupa Kontemporer Negara-negara Non Blok di Gedung Pameran Seni Rupa Depdikbud tahun 1995 oleh Bayu Genia Krishbie
- Manajemen Pameran Seni di Tingkat SMA, Studi Kasus SMA Labschool oleh Hari Prasetyo
- Praktik Kuratorial Kolektif oleh Angga Wijaya
- Seniman Jalanan Juga “Nyeni” oleh Aprilia Ariesty Wibowo
- Majalah Visual Art dan Pemaknaan Karya Seni Rupa Kontemporer di Indonesia oleh Adhi Pandoyo Hapsara
- Fungsi Aktivitas Branding dalam Penyelenggaraan Pameran Seni Rupa di Indonesia oleh Diaz Ramadhansyah
- Edukasi Public oleh Anggira Paramita Putri
- Eksistensi Ruang Alternatif di Kota Bandung oleh Kuntum Indah Purnama Sari
- Seni Rupa Anak di Daerah Pedesaan oleh Retno Walfiyah
- Sumatera Contemporary Calligraphy Biennale oleh Novita Yulia
- Mengkaji Format Pameran Daring Sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Dalam Ranah Manajemen Seni Museum Studi Kasus: Galeri Nasional Indonesia (Periode Pameran 2020-2021) oleh Maura Zulfa Rumanty
- Apresiasi Anak Pada Karya-Karya di Wot Batu oleh Khairunnisa Liummah
- Pasar Raya Dunia Fantasi Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia oleh Axel Ramadhan Ridzky
- Lukisan Botani oleh Cristina Rodriguez Sosa
- Gagasan kolektif ruangrupa dan Relevansinya dalam Praktik Gudskul Ekosistem di Jakarta oleh Bhakti Tanza Lutfi
- Kajian Fotografi: Praktik dan Produksi Fotografi Tahun 1950-1965 Di Indonesia oleh Rizki Putra Zuwandono
- Faktor-faktor Kolaboratif dalam “Bubu Waktu”, “I OWE U”, dan “Imah Budaya Cigondewah” oleh Geugeut Pangestu Sukandawinata
Research and Expertise
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