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“Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion and Climate Crisis”

“Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion and Climate Crisis”

“Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion and Climate Crisis”

On Thursday, September 21st 2023, at the FSRD ITB Design Center, ITB Ganesa Campus, an Open Lecture and Opening of the Exhibition “Creation of Ideas and Investment/Social Incubation as a Movement: Experience of DILANS Indonesia” was held.
The Open Lecture was delivered by the President of the Indonesian Movement for Disabilities and the Elderly (DILANS).
Farhan Helmy. Welcome and Opening of the Exhibition by the Dean of FSRD ITB Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, S.Sn., M.Sn.

“Open Lecture and Exhibition” discusses and displays various inspiring ideas in encouraging the acceleration of the fulfillment of the rights of people with disabilities and the elderly, both initiated by DILANS Indonesia and in collaboration with various organizations/communities.

“The exhibition runs until Friday, September 22nd 2023. Thank you for coming to the Exhibition Room and your enthusiasm and extraordinary support for people with disabilities and the elderly,” said the Dean of FSRD ITB, Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, S.Sn., M.Sn.