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“Lengan Terkembang” Seminar Discourse on Disability in Indonesian Fine Arts

“Lengan Terkembang” Seminar Discourse on Disability in Indonesian Fine Arts

“Lengan Terkembang” Seminar Discourse on Disability in Indonesian Fine Arts

The Soemardja Gallery at the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) ITB was the venue for an insightful seminar titled “Lengan Terkembang”, held on Monday, October 23rd, 2023.
The seminar, part of the "Disability Discourse in Indonesian Fine Arts" series, aimed to shed light on the representation and role of disability in the Indonesian fine arts landscape.

Distinguished speakers at the event included Slamet Thohari, S.Fil, MA., a respected lecturer from Brawijaya University Malang; Dr. Budi Irawanto, S.IP., M.A., an esteemed academic from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta; Zakka Nurul Giffani Hadi, an accomplished artist from Yogyakarta; and Hana Madness, a talented artist based in Jakarta.
Their diverse perspectives and experiences enriched the discourse, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
The seminar was skillfully moderated by Ardhana Riswarie, S.Sn., M.A., of FSRD ITB, and R.E. Hartanto, an acclaimed artist from Bandung.
Their guidance ensured that the discussions remained focused and fruitful, encouraging meaningful exchanges among participants.
Hana Madness (Seniman, Jakarta)

Dr. Intan Rizky Mutiaz, M.Ds., Vice Dean for Resources at FSRD ITB, delivered closing remarks, expressing gratitude to the speakers and attendees for their valuable contributions to the seminar.

He emphasized the importance of such dialogues in fostering inclusivity and diversity within the arts community.

Thank you for coming.