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Discussions and Workshops for Mahesa Damar Sakti Solo Exhibition

Discussions and Workshops for Mahesa Damar Sakti Solo Exhibition

Discussions and Workshops for Mahesa Damar Sakti Solo Exhibition

Discussions and Workshops for Mahesa Damar Sakti solo exhibition will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at Orbital Gallery, Dago.

Participants in this Discussion and Workshop are parents and children with special needs, companions for children with special needs, and the general public who are interested in art methods for assisting children with special needs.

The material includes the discussion on the experience of mentoring children with special needs by Mahesa’s parents (Bu Rini) and Mahesa’s art teacher (Fajar, ITB Graphic Arts alumni), discussions about creativity and the creative process for children with special needs (Dr. Irma Damajanti, S.Sn., M.Sn.) and discussion on how the creative process can have therapeutic value for children with special needs (Ardhana Riswarie, S.Sn., MA.)
There is also practical material including simple printmaking and practicing giving therapeutic feedback for children (Fajar & Ardhana).

“It is hoped that through this discussions and workshops, fine arts can be used more optimally for children with special needs, not only for occupational therapy or activity, but also for sharpening creativity and providing a safe and inclusive space for expression” , said Ardhana Riswarie, S.Sn., MA.