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Dialog Seni dan Desain Vol. 3 “Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Developing Banana Smart Village & Society”

Dialog Seni dan Desain Vol. 3 “Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Developing Banana Smart Village & Society”

Dialog Seni dan Desain Vol. 3 “Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Developing Banana Smart Village & Society”

Dialog Seni dan Desain Vol. 3 with the theme “Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Developing Banana Smart Village & Society” is a collaboration among FSRD ITB, LPPM ITB, SITH ITB, and “Banana Smart Village”. This program presented talk shows and exhibitions from Thursday – Friday, September 7-8, 2023 at Design Center FSRD ITB, CADL Building ITB.

This talkshow presented some speakers including Prof. Ketut Wikantika (FITB ITB), Prof. Fenny M. Dwivany (SITH ITB), Prof. Veinardi Suendo (FMIPA ITB), Dr. Dwinita Larasati (FSRD ITB), Dr. Dadang Sumardi (SITH ITB), and Dr. Maharani Permanasari (Product Design, ITENAS) to talk about product and its impact to society. The talk show was opened by remarks from the Deputy Chancellor for Research and Innovation ITB Prof. I Gede Wenten. This event also presented an exhibition with artworks featuring 3 special young generations and this exhibition was opened by the Dean of FSRD ITB Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, M.Sn.