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Teachers from SMA 2 Sukabumi Visit FSRD ITB to Explore Art and Design Education

A Visit from A Teachers of SMA 2 Sukabumi

Teachers from SMA 2 Sukabumi Visit FSRD ITB to Explore Art and Design Education

On Friday, September 15, 2023, a group of teachers from SMA 2 Sukabumi visited the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to gain insights into the institution's art and design education offerings. The visit provided an opportunity for the teachers to learn about the academic programs and facilities available at FSRD ITB.

The visiting teachers were warmly received by Dr. Nurdian Ichsan, S.Sn., M.Sn., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FSRD ITB, and Zusfa Roihan, S.Sn., M.Sn., a lecturer from the Visual Arts Expertise Group at FSRD ITB. The meeting took place at the Soemardja Gallery, where the teachers received an in-depth explanation about FSRD ITB's academic curriculum, teaching methodologies, and research initiatives. In addition to the informative session, the teachers were given a tour of the various studios, laboratories, and other facilities at FSRD ITB and the ITB Ganesha Campus. The tour provided them with firsthand experience of the resources available to students and faculty, showcasing the institution's commitment to providing a comprehensive and enriching learning environment.

The visit from the teachers of SMA 2 Sukabumi reflects FSRD ITB's dedication to engaging with educators and sharing knowledge about art and design education. By fostering partnerships with schools and educational institutions, FSRD ITB continues to promote the importance of art and design in education and society.