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Obituary: Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sc.

Obituary: Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sc.

Obituary: Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sc.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun.

It is with great sadness that we write of the passing of Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sc., who passed away on Friday, September 9, 2022 at Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta at the age of 57. He was a well-respected lecturer from Visual Communication Design Program, Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD), Institut Teknologi Bandung. He was also a dedicated researcher from Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group FSRD ITB.

Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sc. was an 1985 alumni of Visual Art Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. He is known as a lecturer who discovered the oldest ancient human handprint painting on the cave wall in the Sangkulirang karst mountains, Mangkalihat, East Kalimantan. He explored caves and archaeological sites to find the lost prehistoric paintings . For his dedication in the research, he and his team received Ahmad Bakrie Award in August, 2022.

His memory will live on in the hearts and minds of his many friends and colleagues, and in the thousands of students he taught and inspired.