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Dean’s List Award 2023

Dean’s List Award 2023

Dean’s List Award 2023

The Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) proudly announces the recipients of the Dean's List Award for Academic Achievement in the year 2023. These outstanding students have demonstrated exceptional academic performance with an average GPA ranging from 3.70 to 3.95, earning them a place of honor on the Dean's List.

The awardees from the Undergraduate Program in Visual Art are Khayla Indiva Pratanto, Inas Annisa Aulia, Agnes Indah Permatasari, Tamara Maharani Alamsyah, and Maria Pniella Tri Prasasti. Their consistent dedication to excellence has set a high standard for academic achievement within the program.
In the Undergraduate Program in Craft, the awardees are Viola Juviana, Cynthia Amelia Wijaya, Yosi Afifa Ganiswari (Kriya Cirebon), Shalamar Fathima Zenobia A. (Kriya Cirebon), and Milli Amadea Purnama (Kriya Cirebon). Their commitment to craftsmanship and creativity has earned them well-deserved recognition.

The Undergraduate Program in Interior Design celebrates the achievements of Puteri Safira Ayuningtyas, Muhamad Zaidan Katsura, Muhammad Nazirul Fikri, Karin Jenia Felishanty, and Erica Bridgette. Their contributions to the field of interior design have been exemplary.

Undergraduate Program in Product Design Faculty of Art and Design ITB  are Marcella Sandy Mulyana, Angelica Maureen Elti, Gabriella Clara Duana, K. M. Addib Baaj, Angelique Theodora

Undergraduate Program in Visual Communication Design Faculty of Art and Design ITB are Galuh Mawarni Matahariputri, Amanda Visakha, Quinela Wensky, Barid Hafizhaturislah Tarmono, Su Ni Angelie

The Faculty of Art and Design ITB commends these students for their exemplary performance and wishes them continued success in their academic and professional endeavors.