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Book submission to add to the collection of FSRD ITB books from the family of Prof. But Muchtar,

Book submission to add to the collection of FSRD ITB books from the family of Prof. But Muchtar,

Book submission to add to the collection of FSRD ITB books from the family of Prof. But Muchtar,

Book submission to add to the collection of FSRD ITB books from the family of Prof. But Muchtar, He is the former Vice Chancellor of ITB for Communication and Culture for the period 1976 – 1978 and the Former Chancellor of ISI Jogyakarta for the period 1984 – 1992. His book collection was handed over to the Deputy Family of Prapanca Muhtar Interior Design Alumni FSRD ITB Batch 1985 and received directly by the Dean of FSRD ITB Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, M.Sn. Friday, January 27 2023 at the ITB FSRD Library. Thank you, I hope the book will be useful for the big family of FSRD ITB and be a blessing for the family.