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Cinematic Photography: The Art of Making Photography

Cinematic Photography: The Art of Making Photography

The Faculty of Art and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung in collaboration with Fujifilm Indonesia, Wita Com, and Studio Ubud arranged a workshop with the theme “Cinematic Photography” on Thursday, November 16, 2023. This workshop is part of Basic Photography Course in Digital Visual Narration class. Fujifilm photographer, Putra Djohan, became the speaker of this workshop.

All students from Digital Visual Narration in Basic Photography Course learned a lot about the making of cinematic photography. Cinematic photography deals with portrait and still life photography and it imitates the style of a movie. On this occasion, Putra Djohan shared some tips and knowledge on how to make a good cinematic photography. Students were inspired by the technique and felt encouraged to put all the knowledge in practice.