kaprodi desain komunikasi visual
Banung Grahita, S.Ds., M.Ds., Ph.D
Undergraduate Program in Visual Communication Design (DKV) FSRD ITB aims to produce designers and researchers in the field of visual communication with leadership, critical thinking, creativity, skills, and sensitivity in developing works as solutions to various visual communication issues (related to information, identity, or persuasion) in society. This study program teaches knowledge and skills, as well as trains students’ sensitivity in designing visual communication through project-based learning carried out systematically, starting from research, idea development, and prototyping, to the execution of creating works with various media as needed.

Jalur Peminatan
DKV FSRD ITB offers 4 pathways that will become specializations for graduates: Graphic Design, Advertising Visual Communication, and Multimedia Visual Communication which are carried out at the ITB Ganesa campus, as well as the Digital Visual Narrative pathway which is carried out at the ITB Jatinagor campus. Some of the main study topics that characterize the DKV FSRD ITB are the study of target audiences, visual language, and digital technology with an emphasis on exploring the cultural heritage of the Nusantara archipelago as a basis for developing visual communication designs.

Desain Grafis
Jalur peminatan ini memiliki fokus mempelajari bidang komik, ilustrasi, sistem tanda, tipografi, desain huruf dan logo, poster, desain buku, buku ilustrasi anak, dan konsep seni.

Komunikasi Visual Periklanan
Jalur peminatan ini memiliki fokus dalam bidang kampanye sosial dan komersial, TV komersial, print ad, ambient ad, periklanan digital, dan periklanan media sosial

Komunikasi Visual Multimedia
Jalur peminatan ini memiliki fokus pada game design, projection mapping, animasi, virtual reality, augmented reality, video/film, web design (UI/UX), mobile application, dan motion graphic

Narasi Visual Digital
Jalur peminatan ini berfokus pada design for moving image, animation, internet, computer games and cross media, creative digital content, motion comic, digital game, film & animasi.
Struktur Kurikulum
Overview Kurikulum
Seluruh mahasiswa akan menjalani pendidikan pada program tahap persiapan bersama (TPB). Mahasiswa akan dikenalkan dengan berbagai subjek mata kuliah dasar. Selama periode ini mahasiswa tercatat sebagai mahasiswa fakultas/sekolah. Pada akhir tahun pertama, mahasiswa akan memilih program studi atas dasar minat dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa.
Mahasiswa sudah masuk ke program studi yang dipilih. Di tahun kedua seluruh mahasiswa akan melakukan eksplorasi akademik melalui subjek-subjek mata kuliah yang ditawarkan program studi.
Mahasiswa akan mulai melakukan konseptualisasi dan spesialisasi keilmuan.
Mahasiswa mulai melakukan proyek tugas akhir sebagai salah satu persyaratan pemerolehan gelar sarjana.
Course Semester
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Desain Grafis | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Komunikasi Visual Multimedia | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Komunikasi Visual Periklanan |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Desain Grafis | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Komunikasi Visual Multimedia | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Komunikasi Visual Periklanan | |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Desain Grafis | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Komunikasi Visual Multimedia | |
Wajib Untuk Jalur Komunikasi Visual Periklanan | |
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Visual Communication Design FSRD ITB developed a number of collaborations with industry at the national and international levels, including with several related professional and academics associations such as the Indonesian Visual Communication Design Professional Association (AIDIA), Indonesian Graphic Design Association (ADGI), Indonesian Animation Industry Association (AINAKI), Indonesian Game Association (AGI), and Asia Digital Art and Design Association (ADADA). Through this collaboration, Visual Communication Design FSRD ITB ensures the prospects of its graduates to be able to work mainly in the creative industries in the visual communication design, film & animation, advertising, game, and application development sectors with various job roles such as graphic designer, UI/UX designer, game designer, character designer, illustrators, concept artists, animators, videographers, photographers, art directors, etc.