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Kelompok Keilmuan Ilmu-Ilmu Kemanusiaan

“Perubahan sosial di masyarakat yang sangat cepat membawa berbagai persoalan yang begitu kompleks. KK Ilmu-Ilmu Kemanusiaan hadir untuk menjawab segala permasalahan dengan pendekatan yang holistik.”

Informasi Umum

Humanities Research Group focuses on studies in the field of humanities through a transdisciplinary approach to study the interactions between science, technology, art, society and culture and their manifestations in the dynamics of social, economic, political and artistic life. The studies are based on various human sciences such as language, communication, sociology, religion, psychology, and citizenship with the aim of producing up-to-date ideas about society and culture as well as developing an interdisciplinary study or scientific model that is indispensable in dealing with various changes in society, both locally and globally.


Riset & pengembangan keilmuan Genolinguistik
Riset & pengembangan keilmuan Asuransi & Audit
Riset & pengembangan keilmuan Forensik Linguistik